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We offer a Seven-Module leadership training program that integrates coaching into the curriculum and in every class. We also design and tailor leadership programs to meet your goals for building a culture of growth.

Our approach includes offering organizations a unique strategic lens that spans multiple areas of leadership, including leadership development, communications, and coaching.


Our goal is to inspire thought leadership built on the mindsets and behaviors that lead to motivated, inspired, resilient and growth-minded cultures within the industry and in communities throughout the world.

Leadership Programs

Our coaching focuses on bringing out the best in each person or team we meet. Our approach builds on developing the mindsets and behaviors that lead to personal and professional success.


We believe leaders who approach leadership with curiosity, openness, and a commitment to learning create high-performing and inspiring cultures.

Our world changed significantly with the pandemic and world events; therefore, we emphasize our coaching in helping leaders and individuals build their resilience with wellness skills designed to keep them at their best selves


Recent research from Harvard Business Review conveys, "when CEOs talk strategy, 70% of the company doesn't understand it or connect it to the work they are doing. " The best companies, in their employees' eyes, excel by inspiring a connection to the mission and purpose," as outlined in a Towers Watson survey. Communication is key. What a leader communicates verbally and nonverbally can help transform culture and instill resiliency in times of challenge.  


Our work has spanned the globe and includes developing large scale communication initiatives for audiences of 100 to more than 25,000. Our work includes executive, employee, crisis, and change management communications.  We have reached 100 to 25,000 employees in the defense and pharmaceutical industries as well as working with small business.


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